有關second tier 一問? - 會計 Accounting - Discuss.com.hk

    2024-10-26 23:48

    second tier點定,我都答你唔到,打工既話有大食大 其實做big 4/second tier/ local firm邊個好啲,真係答你唔到,我有同學係想開firm,接job 嗰啲,佢一直都係做local firm 做咩真係好視乎你想要咩,同埋係咪想做有得揀嗰個

    second tier 會計


    香港審計公司有哪些類型? 跟環球市場無異,香港的稅務、會計及審計公司有以下三種: 第一種:人稱「四大」(Big Four)國際會計師事務所 — 德勤、羅兵咸永道、安永和畢馬威。第二種:「第二層級」會計公司 Second Tier Accounting Firm),通常是由多個跨國事務所通過併購而組成的大型平台。這些 ...

    2nd Tier Accounting Firms List | The Big 4 Accounting Firms

    Nexia is the last accounting firm on our listing of second tier accounting firms with $3.1 billion in revenue. The number of employees working at Nexia International was 24,781. Nexia has 2,594 partners working around the world. Nexia earns 50% of their revenue in North America, 43% in Europe, Middle East, & Africa, 6% in Asia Pacific and 1% in ...

    四大會計師事務所到底在幹嘛?(二). 四大的業務到底有哪些? | by OhYeah~ | SmartAlpha | Medium

    四大跟其他二線(Second-Tier)和中小型會計師事務所(Local Firm)到底有什麼不同? 簡單講述一下,二線事務所是指在各國一些主要城市都有服務據點,但 ...

    會計師入行要求及前景 | cpjobs

    會計行業是香港其中一個最受歡迎的專業行業,市場對會計專才有熱切渴求,要成為行業的一份子就要清楚知道會計入行的要求及會計師的前景。 ... 的會計職位為「會計師」。會計師行現分為Big 4 ( 四大,即PwC、KPMG、DTT、EY )、第二線 ( 2nd Tier,即BDO及RSM等 ),或 ...


    而第二線會計師行 (Second Tier) 的薪酬約比Big 4少兩成。 會計行業工種. 會計師與核數師的職責一般按職位而有所不同,部分職位除了要擁有相關牌照,更需要其他技能要求。大家在考慮入行前,不妨先簡單了解以下九種職位的主要職責: 1. 簿記/會計助理/會計 ...

    Trump's Plan for NATO Is Emerging. - POLITICO

    Another part of the emerging Trump game plan is a two-tier NATO system. ... if Trump enters the Oval Office a second time it seems very likely that just delivering 2 percent of GDP won't be enough.

    You Can Download the Second iOS 18 Developer Beta on Your iPhone ... - CNET

    Last year, with the release of the iOS 17 developer beta, Apple created a free tier of the Apple Developer program, which allows you to download any developer betas for free as long as you have an ...

    NHL contract grades: Vladimir Tarasenko brings all-offense mentality to ...

    When the Red Wings gave San Jose a second-round pick just to take Jake Walman's $3.4-million cap hit off their hands, it opened up some intriguing possibilities in free agency. And for a team ...

    會計大佬們教下我 2nd tier問題 | LIHKG 討論區

    我係20/21嘅fg 讀八大account and finance 之前一路唔知想做乜,所以miss左2nd tier的校園招聘 然後我揾下資料,發現啲人話一岀來就做細firm好難上返2nd tier 咁我應該點做? 我好唔好defer一年(是但揾科f左佢),下一年sem 1讀一科,sem2做intern,然後再報2nd tier嘅校園招聘 定我今年照grad,做細firm再做上去 其實我 ...

    考獲會計師執業資格人工翻倍!審計vs稅務待遇晉升有咩分別? - Jobsdb Hong Kong

    新鮮人在會計行業打滾,如赤腳行炭路,受盡無限OT和考試壓力煎熬,萬一考試肥佬更跌入重考煉獄。但只要成功「打大佬」考獲會計師執業資格,就有望苦盡甘來,迎來月薪倍升的「錢途」。究竟「打大佬」有幾難?打完大佬就一勞永逸等做「老細」(會計師樓合夥人)?審計、稅務專業的待遇有 ...


    香港審計公司有哪些類型? 跟環球市場無異,香港的稅務、會計及審計公司有以下三種: 第一種:人稱「四大」(Big Four)國際會計師事務所 — 德勤、羅兵咸永道、安永和畢馬威。第二種:「第二層級」會計公司 Second Tier Accounting Firm),通常是由多個跨國事務所通過併購而組成的大型平台。

    2nd Tier Accounting Firms List | The Big 4 Accounting Firms

    Nexia is the last accounting firm on our listing of second tier accounting firms with $3.1 billion in revenue. The number of employees working at Nexia International was 24,781. Nexia has 2,594 partners working around the world. Nexia earns 50% of their revenue in North America, 43% in Europe, Middle East, & Africa, 6% in Asia Pacific and 1% in ...

    四大會計師事務所到底在幹嘛?(二). 四大的業務到底有哪些? | by OhYeah~ | SmartAlpha | Medium

    四大跟其他二線(Second-Tier)和中小型會計師事務所(Local Firm)到底有什麼不同? 簡單講述一下,二線事務所是指在各國一些主要城市都有服務據點,但 ...

    【前路與錢途】會計、審計有何分別?了解起薪點、考牌、晉升及轉型等5大行情 - Jobsdb Hong Kong

    究竟會計和審計工作的最新行情是怎樣? ... 最多人選擇的是先入行做審計,受訪者Vivienne就在香港的第二線(Second Tier)會計師事務所工作了四年:「通常畢業後都會先入會計師行(Audit Firm)做審計助理,一邊做一邊考牌。 ...

    會計師入行要求及前景 | cpjobs

    會計行業是香港其中一個最受歡迎的專業行業,市場對會計專才有熱切渴求,要成為行業的一份子就要清楚知道會計入行的要求及會計師的前景。 ... 的會計職位為「會計師」。會計師行現分為Big 4 ( 四大,即PwC、KPMG、DTT、EY )、第二線 ( 2nd Tier,即BDO及RSM等 ),或 ...


    而第二線會計師行 (Second Tier) 的薪酬約比Big 4少兩成。 會計行業工種. 會計師與核數師的職責一般按職位而有所不同,部分職位除了要擁有相關牌照,更需要其他技能要求。大家在考慮入行前,不妨先簡單了解以下九種職位的主要職責: 1. 簿記/會計助理/會計 ...

    Trump's Plan for NATO Is Emerging. - POLITICO

    Another part of the emerging Trump game plan is a two-tier NATO system. ... if Trump enters the Oval Office a second time it seems very likely that just delivering 2 percent of GDP won't be enough.

    You Can Download the Second iOS 18 Developer Beta on Your iPhone ... - CNET

    Last year, with the release of the iOS 17 developer beta, Apple created a free tier of the Apple Developer program, which allows you to download any developer betas for free as long as you have an ...

    NHL contract grades: Vladimir Tarasenko brings all-offense mentality to ...

    When the Red Wings gave San Jose a second-round pick just to take Jake Walman's $3.4-million cap hit off their hands, it opened up some intriguing possibilities in free agency. And for a team ...

    會計大佬們教下我 2nd tier問題 | LIHKG 討論區

    我係20/21嘅fg 讀八大account and finance 之前一路唔知想做乜,所以miss左2nd tier的校園招聘 然後我揾下資料,發現啲人話一岀來就做細firm好難上返2nd tier 咁我應該點做? 我好唔好defer一年(是但揾科f左佢),下一年sem 1讀一科,sem2做intern,然後再報2nd tier嘅校園招聘 定我今年照grad,做細firm再做上去 其實我 ...

    考獲會計師執業資格人工翻倍!審計vs稅務待遇晉升有咩分別? - Jobsdb Hong Kong

    新鮮人在會計行業打滾,如赤腳行炭路,受盡無限OT和考試壓力煎熬,萬一考試肥佬更跌入重考煉獄。但只要成功「打大佬」考獲會計師執業資格,就有望苦盡甘來,迎來月薪倍升的「錢途」。究竟「打大佬」有幾難?打完大佬就一勞永逸等做「老細」(會計師樓合夥人)?審計、稅務專業的待遇有 ...

    2nd Tier Accounting Firms List | The Big 4 Accounting Firms

    Nexia is the last accounting firm on our listing of second tier accounting firms with $3.1 billion in revenue. The number of employees working at Nexia International was 24,781. Nexia has 2,594 partners working around the world. Nexia earns 50% of their revenue in North America, 43% in Europe, Middle East, & Africa, 6% in Asia Pacific and 1% in ...


    香港審計公司有哪些類型? 跟環球市場無異,香港的稅務、會計及審計公司有以下三種: 第一種:人稱「四大」(Big Four)國際會計師事務所 — 德勤、羅兵咸永道、安永和畢馬威。第二種:「第二層級」會計公司 Second Tier Accounting Firm),通常是由多個跨國事務所通過併購而組成的大型平台。這些 ...

    四大會計師事務所到底在幹嘛?(二). 四大的業務到底有哪些? | by OhYeah~ | SmartAlpha | Medium

    四大跟其他二線(Second-Tier)和中小型會計師事務所(Local Firm)到底有什麼不同? 簡單講述一下,二線事務所是指在各國一些主要城市都有服務據點,但 ...

    【前路與錢途】會計、審計有何分別?了解起薪點、考牌、晉升及轉型等5大行情 - Jobsdb Hong Kong

    究竟會計和審計工作的最新行情是怎樣? ... 最多人選擇的是先入行做審計,受訪者Vivienne就在香港的第二線(Second Tier)會計師事務所工作了四年:「通常畢業後都會先入會計師行(Audit Firm)做審計助理,一邊做一邊考牌。 ...

    Trump's Plan for NATO Is Emerging. - POLITICO

    Another part of the emerging Trump game plan is a two-tier NATO system. ... if Trump enters the Oval Office a second time it seems very likely that just delivering 2 percent of GDP won't be enough.

    You Can Download the Second iOS 18 Developer Beta on Your iPhone ... - CNET

    Last year, with the release of the iOS 17 developer beta, Apple created a free tier of the Apple Developer program, which allows you to download any developer betas for free as long as you have an ...

    NHL contract grades: Vladimir Tarasenko brings all-offense mentality to ...

    When the Red Wings gave San Jose a second-round pick just to take Jake Walman's $3.4-million cap hit off their hands, it opened up some intriguing possibilities in free agency. And for a team ...

    會計大佬們教下我 2nd tier問題 | LIHKG 討論區

    我係20/21嘅fg 讀八大account and finance 之前一路唔知想做乜,所以miss左2nd tier的校園招聘 然後我揾下資料,發現啲人話一岀來就做細firm好難上返2nd tier 咁我應該點做? 我好唔好defer一年(是但揾科f左佢),下一年sem 1讀一科,sem2做intern,然後再報2nd tier嘅校園招聘 定我今年照grad,做細firm再做上去 其實我 ...

    考獲會計師執業資格人工翻倍!審計vs稅務待遇晉升有咩分別? - Jobsdb Hong Kong

    新鮮人在會計行業打滾,如赤腳行炭路,受盡無限OT和考試壓力煎熬,萬一考試肥佬更跌入重考煉獄。但只要成功「打大佬」考獲會計師執業資格,就有望苦盡甘來,迎來月薪倍升的「錢途」。究竟「打大佬」有幾難?打完大佬就一勞永逸等做「老細」(會計師樓合夥人)?審計、稅務專業的待遇有 ...

    2nd Tier Accounting Firms List | The Big 4 Accounting Firms

    Nexia is the last accounting firm on our listing of second tier accounting firms with $3.1 billion in revenue. The number of employees working at Nexia International was 24,781. Nexia has 2,594 partners working around the world. Nexia earns 50% of their revenue in North America, 43% in Europe, Middle East, & Africa, 6% in Asia Pacific and 1% in ...


    香港審計公司有哪些類型? 跟環球市場無異,香港的稅務、會計及審計公司有以下三種: 第一種:人稱「四大」(Big Four)國際會計師事務所 — 德勤、羅兵咸永道、安永和畢馬威。第二種:「第二層級」會計公司 Second Tier Accounting Firm),通常是由多個跨國事務所通過併購而組成的大型平台。這些 ...

    四大會計師事務所到底在幹嘛?(二). 四大的業務到底有哪些? | by OhYeah~ | SmartAlpha | Medium

    四大跟其他二線(Second-Tier)和中小型會計師事務所(Local Firm)到底有什麼不同? 簡單講述一下,二線事務所是指在各國一些主要城市都有服務據點,但 ...

    會計師入行要求及前景 | cpjobs

    會計行業是香港其中一個最受歡迎的專業行業,市場對會計專才有熱切渴求,要成為行業的一份子就要清楚知道會計入行的要求及會計師的前景。 ... 的會計職位為「會計師」。會計師行現分為Big 4 ( 四大,即PwC、KPMG、DTT、EY )、第二線 ( 2nd Tier,即BDO及RSM等 ),或 ...


    而第二線會計師行 (Second Tier) 的薪酬約比Big 4少兩成。 會計行業工種. 會計師與核數師的職責一般按職位而有所不同,部分職位除了要擁有相關牌照,更需要其他技能要求。大家在考慮入行前,不妨先簡單了解以下九種職位的主要職責: 1. 簿記/會計助理/會計 ...

    Trump's Plan for NATO Is Emerging. - POLITICO

    Another part of the emerging Trump game plan is a two-tier NATO system. ... if Trump enters the Oval Office a second time it seems very likely that just delivering 2 percent of GDP won't be enough.

    You Can Download the Second iOS 18 Developer Beta on Your iPhone ... - CNET

    Last year, with the release of the iOS 17 developer beta, Apple created a free tier of the Apple Developer program, which allows you to download any developer betas for free as long as you have an ...

    NHL contract grades: Vladimir Tarasenko brings all-offense mentality to ...

    When the Red Wings gave San Jose a second-round pick just to take Jake Walman's $3.4-million cap hit off their hands, it opened up some intriguing possibilities in free agency. And for a team ...

    會計大佬們教下我 2nd tier問題 | LIHKG 討論區

    我係20/21嘅fg 讀八大account and finance 之前一路唔知想做乜,所以miss左2nd tier的校園招聘 然後我揾下資料,發現啲人話一岀來就做細firm好難上返2nd tier 咁我應該點做? 我好唔好defer一年(是但揾科f左佢),下一年sem 1讀一科,sem2做intern,然後再報2nd tier嘅校園招聘 定我今年照grad,做細firm再做上去 其實我 ...

    考獲會計師執業資格人工翻倍!審計vs稅務待遇晉升有咩分別? - Jobsdb Hong Kong

    新鮮人在會計行業打滾,如赤腳行炭路,受盡無限OT和考試壓力煎熬,萬一考試肥佬更跌入重考煉獄。但只要成功「打大佬」考獲會計師執業資格,就有望苦盡甘來,迎來月薪倍升的「錢途」。究竟「打大佬」有幾難?打完大佬就一勞永逸等做「老細」(會計師樓合夥人)?審計、稅務專業的待遇有 ...