[心得] Line Bank信貸申辦心得 - 看板 Loan - 批踢踢實業坊

    2024-10-26 21:23

    標題. [心得] Line Bank信貸申辦心得. 背景:原有台新信貸50萬(目前剩20萬) 職業:上市櫃國防產業工程師 年收:80萬 年資:4年 信用自評:四年前查自己分數790幾分,信用卡貸款從未遲繳或繳最低過。. 手上有中信、 台新、國泰、星展、兆豐、華南…共六家銀行 ...

    it channel 貸款

    IT Channel (Asia) Limited

    IT Channel (Asia) Limited is a leading Professional Service Network provider based in Hong Kong. It offers professional services in app development, Big Data, Data Management, A.I.

    IT Channel (Asia) Limited

    IT Channel is managed by its founding partners, leaders of both the demand and supply sides of the IT industry and a close-knit team of senior IT executives. IT Channel draws on a talent-rich pool of dedicated professionals with impressive business credentials and in-depth technical know-how. Our clients are successful modern businesses that ...

    [心得] Line bank信貸 - 看板 Loan - 批踢踢實業坊

    在Loan版爬文已久,本次成功貸款 分享資訊供後人參考 [基本資訊] 1. 信貸金額: 200萬 2. 還款期限:7年 3. 貸款用途:投資 (申請時填消費貸款) 4. 職業:醫院住院醫師 5. 年收入: 約130萬 6. 年資:前職2年, 現職0.5年 7. 信用卡: 玉山 中信 滙豐(每期皆全額繳費) 8.

    簡單5步驟,貸款申請一次上手 - LINE Bank Taiwan

    5步驟,線上輕鬆申請貸款. 打開LINE Bank App,於「帳戶」下方點擊「分期信貸 (含轉貸) 」,或進入「探索/更多」找到分期信貸申請入口,點擊「立即申請」即可開始申貸。. 步驟1:輸入申請資訊並同意條款. 填寫貸款目的、申請金額及貸款期間(提醒:在相同 ...

    IT Channel (Asia) Limited

    IT Channel (Asia) Limited is an experienced service provider on BI solutions. Its professional service team is reliable and willing to do what is required to meet our project schedules. They have consistently met our expectations regarding quality and budget. The professionalism they displayed in handling complex situations has impressed me a lot.