PDF 電動車貸款產品資料概要

    2024-10-27 19:16

    貸款人另需就任何逾期的每月還款向恒生支付以逾期利率月息2.25%計算的逾期利息。 ... - 電動車貸款的貸款金額最少為hk$5,000。 - 有關私人分期貸款之常見問題(如提早還款應注意事項,每月還款額中的本金及利息分佈等),請參閱恒生銀行網頁(個人理財>貸款 ...

    PDF 電動車貸款產品資料概要

    網上申請電動車貸款 | 恒生銀行 - Hang Seng Bank

    (4) 本人提取貸款後6個月內須按恒生銀行要求提供車輛登記文件或相關文件作為電動車所有權的證明。若本人無法提供相關證明,本人明白及同意恒生銀行可終止此貸款,同時本人亦須按恒生銀行要求即時償還此貸款所欠之本金、應計利息及提前清還手續費。

    Electric Vehicle Loan | Hang Seng Bank

    1. Apply your Electric Vehicle Loan online. Start your loan application journey. 2. Upload documents. Simply provide your electric vehicle order agreement [1] with other documents required. 3. Cash crediting to your designated account. After loan drawdown, submit your Vehicle Registration Document or related documents as the proof of electric ...