ZA Bank業績|去年淨虧損大幅收窄兩成!淨利息收入增36%

    2024-10-26 19:37

    ZA Bank行政總裁姚文松(Ronald)表示:「面對充滿挑戰的環境,ZA Bank將繼續拓展收入來源,同時擴闊淨息差,期望早日達至收支平衡。 作為香港數碼銀行的領航者,我們將繼續利用科技平衡創新和風險管理,為用戶帶來便捷、安全的銀行體驗。

    za bank破產

    ZA Bank | 做壞規矩 做好銀行

    ZA Bank App 支援生物識別,每次登入及進行交易,都只需輕輕以面容或指紋辨識解鎖。每筆高風險交易均有即時推送通知,發現未經授權交易可以一鍵鎖卡及提出交易爭議。 我們以保護私穩作大前提,打造智能管理平台,為用戶提供最嚴密的保障。

    虛銀|Za Bank去年多蝕56% 稅前虧損5.51億 淨利息收入增2.29倍

    本地虛擬銀行ZA BANK公布全年業績,截至2021年12月底止,全年稅前虧損5.51億元,按年擴大56.58%。. 期內,淨利息收入錄得8,684.7萬元,按年大增2.29倍;淨服務費及佣金收入則錄5,569.9萬元,按年大增45倍。. 客戶貸款的信用減值損失錄2,795.6萬元,按年增2.2倍;其他 ...

    ZA Bank推新貸款服務 3個月內還清 利息及費用全數回贈 - 香港經濟日報 - 理財 - 退休規劃 - D200713

    虛擬銀行眾安銀行(ZA Bank)自正式營業以來,就不斷推出不同的服務及產品,搶佔市場分額。繼早前推出額外送12萬元現金的登記政府「現金發放計劃」的優惠後,近日ZA Bank推出新貸款產品「10萬元Free Cash」,聲稱只要於限期內還清全部款項,可獲利息及手續費全數回贈。

    眾安銀行 ZA Bank背景及開戶實測+優惠一覽 - MoneyHero

    存款到ZA Bank及提款方法 銀行提供的3個過數方法,均可即時入數,「入錢易存入」即綁定其他銀行戶口,授權ZA Bank從你的其他銀行戶口直接過數,「轉數快」及「賬戶號碼存入」即我們平日說的戶口過數,但ATM櫃員機入數暫時未支援,存錢之後就可以開始做定期了。

    ZA Bank | Your Future Bank for Now

    Should you have any doubts regarding the identities of the message senders or authenticity of the messages, please call us at (852) 3665 3665 for verification. ZA Bank's core brand spirit of "Your Future Bank for Now" demonstrates our dedication to prioritise "Banking for Web3" and provide the best for our users.

    ZA Bank becomes Hong Kong's first virtual lender to launch services

    ZA Bank said it would offer an interest rate of 1.4 per cent for a one-month Hong Kong dollar time deposit, which rises to 2 per cent for three, six and 12-month tenors.

    ZA Bank receives regulatory approval to prepare for

    U.S. stock trading service launch. Hong Kong, 23 November 2023 — ZA Bank, Asia's Top Mobile Banking App 1 and Hong Kong's Virtual Bank of the Year - Consumer 2, today announced that the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission ("SFC") has lifted the previous conditions on the Bank's licence registration of Type 1 (dealing in ...

    Big change to EFT payments from South African banks

    In 2022, formal outbound remittances from South Africa via authorized dealers totalled nearly $1 billion. Read: R52 million pay cut for CEO of South Africa's most exclusive bank Subscribe

    Hong Kong's banking sector enters new era as ZA Bank becomes the city's ...

    ZA Bank, co-owned by mainland online insurer ZhongAn Online P&C; Insurance and Sinolink Group, on Wednesday became the first virtual bank to start services in Hong Kong after gaining regulatory ...

    ZA Bank客量破40萬 - 財經 - 香港文匯網

    香港文匯報訊(記者 馬翠媚)虛擬銀行眾安銀行(ZA Bank),自去年 3 月正式開業至今,截至今年7月底,用戶數目破40萬人,較去年底22萬用戶再升逾81%。. ZA Bank行政總裁許洛聖昨表示,年內上客速度不會減慢,維持在2024年實現收支平衡的目標,又指有意拓展 ...

    消息指:虛擬銀行去年業績表現參差 ZA Bank虧損收窄至近4億元 | LIHKG 討論區

    ZA Bank行政總裁姚文松表示,面對充滿挑戰的環境,ZA Bank將繼續拓展收入來源,同時擴闊淨息差,期望早日達至收支平衡。 作為香港數碼銀行的領航者,將繼續利用科技平衡創新和風險管理,為用戶帶來便捷、安全的銀行體驗。

    【ZA Bank】中小企融資擔保計劃詳情+申請全攻略

    ZA Bank 的商業銀行已於2021年4月30日讓中小企申請「中小企融資擔保計劃」,今次就讓我們帶大家深入了解一下這項計劃。 甚麼是中小企融資擔保計劃? 「中小企融資擔保計劃」於2011年1月1 日由香港按揭證券有限公司推出,現在業務則轉到香港按證保險有限公司 ...

    Charles Undeland Announced as World Bank Group Country Manager for ...

    JUBA, July 1, 2024 - Starting today, Charles Undeland becomes the World Bank Group (WBG) Country Manager for South Sudan, a position that will unify country-level leadership across the institution to partner with the country's public and private sectors to deliver development results for the South Sudanese people.South Sudan is one of 21 country offices transitioning to a single WBG ...

    Kenya appoints central bank economist as new head of debt management ...

    Africa category · July 3, 2024 · 3:10 PM UTC · ago Kenya has named central bank economist Raphael Owino as the new head of its debt management office, the finance ministry said on Wednesday ...

    【派錢1萬】人開你又開? 3個開ZA Bank拎回贈的「魔鬼細節」 - 香港經濟日報 - 即時新聞頻道 - iMoney智富 - 理財智慧

    這意味著若今次使用了ZA Bank登記派發1萬元,下次政府再派錢時,理應會自動派發到你所開設的戶口,所以你要有與ZA Bank「長期合作」的準備。. 不過,筆者都相信領取現金戶口應是可以更改的,但有關細節就要等日後政府公布了。. 3) 需要在ZA Bank App上再提交 ...

    UPDATE | Standard Bank denies systems breach as clients report stolen ...

    At the time, the bank said she would also continue to be responsible for its client solutions division. Standard Bank's 2023 remuneration report showed Nienaber enjoyed a 37% bump in her single-figure remuneration, which rose to R59.797 million last year, from R43.644 million in 2022. * This article has been updated with comment from Standard Bank.

    【業績|內險股】眾安在綫升8% 去年轉蝕13.6億人幣 港虛銀ZA Bank淨收入增逾倍、虧損收窄8%

    【業績|內險股】眾安在綫去年轉蝕13.6億人幣 港虛銀ZA Bank淨收入增逾倍、虧損收窄8% 眾安在綫 (06060) 公布去年業績,期內虧損13.56億元(人民幣,下同),2021年賺11.65億元,眾安在綫解釋,去年資本市場表現疲軟,加上財報會計準則調整下,投資收益大幅 ...

    Burkina Faso: Launch of two World Bank Economic Reports

    OUAGADOUGOU, June 27, 2024 - The World Bank today launched (i) the Burkina Faso Economic Update and (ii) the Country Economic Memorandum (CEM).. The Economic Update highlights recent economic trends in the country and analyzes the short- and medium-term economic outlook. Focusing on scaling up social assistance, the April 2024 edition, "Sustaining the Momentum of Social Assistance Reform ...

    World Bank approves $208 million for Zambia's drought response

    The World Bank has approved a $208 million grant for Zambia to help address the social and economic impact of drought that has hit the southern African nation, its finance ministry said on Tuesday.

    Tanzania Largest Recipient of EIB Funding in Sub-Saharan Africa for 2023

    A high-level delegation of the European Investment Bank (EIB Global) led by EIB Vice President, Thomas Östros, is visiting Tanzania for a raft of activities geared at ramping up its investment in the country. The visit provides an opportunity to take stock of EIB-supported projects with a particular focus on green private sector, public infrastructure, gender-lens investing and boosting of ...

    Explainer: What's next after Kenya withdraws finance bill amid protests ...

    Protesters took to the streets again in cities across Kenya on Thursday, many calling for President William Ruto to resign, even after he bowed to their demands to withdraw a tax hike bill.

    破產完左但未拎解取令開ZA bank 得嗎(頁 1) - 金融服務 Finance - 香港討論區 (純文字版本)

    香港討論區 » 金融服務 Finance » 破產完左但未拎解取令開ZA bank 得嗎 查看完整版本 : 破產完左但未拎解取令開ZA bank 得嗎 chujai0518 2021-1-20 17:01

    百分百擔保個人特惠貸款 | ZA Bank

    百分百擔保個人特惠貸款計劃. 為優化百分百擔保個人特惠貸款計劃的申請流程及加強銀行的風險管理,我們已暫停接受新的申請。. ZA Bank 作為香港持牌金融機構,與傳統銀行一樣,會採取適當的措施,透過不斷優化保安和防詐騙措施,保障用戶個人資料和資產 ...

    Gayton McKenzie - from ex-gangster to South Africa's sports and arts ...

    A former gangster and bank robber who turned into a nightclub owner and opposition politician, Gayton McKenzie has now risen to become South Africa's minister of sports, arts and culture.

    South Africa Achieves First Primary Budget Surplus in 15 Years

    Africa's most-industrialized economy posted a primary surplus — when revenue exceeds non-interest expenditure — of 31.6 billion rand ($1.7 billion) or 0.4% of gross domestic product in the ...

    How one man helped raise $180 billion for Africa in six years

    CNN's Eleni Giokos sits down with Akinwumi Adesina, president of the African Development Bank, to talk about artificial intelligence, green tech and why the world should bet on Africa.

    【ZA Bank】政府失業貸款知多啲

    邊個可以申請失業貸款?. • 18 歲或以上並持有香港永久性居民身份證 • 申請貸款時已失業至少 2 個月 • 於2020 年 1 月至 2021年2 月之間,至少工作 3 個月 • 申請貸款時並非破產、正在申請破產或涉及任何破產訴訟 我最高可以申請到幾多貸款額?. 貸款額為 ...

    【ZA Bank】貸款全攻略+30分鐘承諾

    作為香港第一間虛擬銀行,我們一直致力將服務和產品簡單化,令用戶可以更方便和低成本地享受銀行服務。有見市面上貸款產品種類繁多,但部份銀行的貸款手續仍然冗長繁複,甚至需要申請者親身到分行辦理,ZA Bank 決心推出可以透過手機,一App 就可完成的貸款服務,讓大家 24x7 都可以隨時隨地 ...