Simon Kwong - Lok Chambers

    2024-10-26 19:34

    「信念、熱誠、技巧、策略 — 最好的大律師缺一不可」 Professional Experience (專業經驗): Before joining the legal profession, Simon worked in the Independent Commission Against Corruption ("ICAC") as an Assistant Commission Against Corruption Officer.During that time, he developed an intense interest in law and completed his studies for a LL.B degree.

    icac 律師

    「香港,勝在有icac!」 身為律師和icac交手的回憶

    icac做事專業 似與律師行交手. 當一個人面對icac的調查,不開心是必然的,但是作為香港市民,經歷過最近社會運動的風風雨雨,更加明白到「法治」是香港穩定的基石,是非常難能可貴的。 而我們法治最值得驕傲的,是「香港,勝在有icac! ...

    廉政公署 (香港) - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

    律師 林炳昌、艾勤 ... 在1997年5月18日,廉政公署社區關係處成立了廉政之友(ICAC Club),主要鼓勵香港市民透過積極參與倡廉活動,深入認識廉政公署的工作,並身體力行,協助推廣廉潔信息,共同維護一個廉潔公平、安定繁榮的社會。

    香港特別行政區廉政公署主頁 - Icac

    香港特別行政區廉政公署主頁 - ICAC ... 主頁

    Eric Seto Partner - ICAC & SFC Criminal Investigation Lawyer | MCS

    He was a trainee at a leading criminal law firm and was admitted to their partnership in 2008. In August 2014, he set up Morley Chow Seto with Mr. Christopher Morley and Ms. Anita Chow. Eric has defended clients in a wide array of criminal offences ranging from relatively minor offences such as loitering to more serious offences such as rape.

    廉政公署罪行 | HK Criminal Defence Lawyers

    我們的律師了解廉政公署調查的複雜性,並曾成功地為專業人士、企業的行政人員以及政府的高層人士進行辯護而最終令他們獲得無罪釋放。 如果你或你的朋友或家人被廉政公署拘捕或被要求「協助調查」,請即致電 +852 3583 5200 或 +852 9191 9159 (24/7)聯絡我們的 ...

    ICAC Investigations and Trials | Liberty Chambers

    Liberty大律師事務所的大律師們具備所需的專業知識以處理及就此等調查提供意見,當中包括關於搜查、檢取、拘捕及扣留;資產限制令;强制性訊問的權力及資料的提供;被控告前被限制旅行的權利;提供資料人仕的保護;以及在防止賄賂條例(第201章)中所 ...

    Eric Seto Partner - ICAC & SFC Criminal Investigation Lawyer | MCS

    於二零一四年八月,司徒律師與麥樂賢律師及周綽瑩律師創立麥樂賢、周綽瑩、司徒悅律師行. 司徒律師曾在各種類型的刑事案件替客戶辯護,他的執業範圍涵蓋 廣泛,由量刑較輕的遊蕩罪以至嚴重的強姦罪他也能處理。司徒律師經常在不同級別的法院代表客戶。

    廉政公署 (香港) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

    廉政公署 [2] (英語: Independent Commission Against Corruption ; 縮寫 : ICAC ),簡稱「 廉署 」, 香港市民 一般俗稱為「 老廉 」, 廉記 ,於1974年2月15日根據《總督特派廉政專員公署條例》(現改名為《廉政公署條例》)成立的 香港 獨立調查機構, 香港主權移交 ...

    獨家專訪查錫我:見證廉署塑造香港文化 | Icac | 反貪污廉潔城市 | 廉政公署 | 大紀元

    前廉政公署(ICAC)執行處總調查主任、大律師查錫我接受大紀元專訪,回憶當年加入廉署的初心與經歷。. 29年的從業經歷,他見證廉署如何深深 ...

    Icac 重大案件 - 律政高官受賄案 | 受賄案事件簿

    後來,經上訴,該名大律師被加判兩年刑期,律師則獲減刑兩年。 1992年10月. 另外一名執業律師因在澳門接應該名前律政官員,被控協助他人潛逃,串謀妨礙司法公正,被判囚四年。 1993年2月20日. 前律政官員轉往小欖監獄繼續服刑,後來獲當時港督減刑一年。

    ICAC, HKSAR - The ICAC Ordinance

    The ICACO mainly vests the ICAC with law enforcement powers such as: Power of arrest, detention and granting bail; Power of search and seizure; Power of handling any other offence disclosed during the corruption investigation process (for details, please refer to section 10(5) of the ICACO in the Text of the Law); Text of ICAC Ordinance (Cap. 204)

    近期的廉署案例 (商界) | 誠信焦點 | 香港商業 ... - Icac


    Independent Commission Against Corruption (Hong Kong)

    The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC; 廉政公署) is the statutory independent anti-corruption body of Hong Kong with the primary objective of combating corruption in both the public and private sectors. Established in 1974 and operating independently from the Hong Kong government and law enforcement agencies, the ICAC is headed by the Commissioner, who reports directly to the ...

    廉政公署(ICAC)的權力 | Community Legal Information Centre (CLIC)

    廉政公署(ICAC)的權力. 廉政公署於 1974 年成立,透過執法、教育及預防方式去打擊貪污。. 廉政公署是一個獨立的政府部門並由一位廉政專員掌管,而廉政專員只須直接向香港特區行政長官匯報。. 廉政公署的權力及職務範圍,主要列於《 廉政公署條例 ...

    Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program

    In FY 2023, funding for the ICAC program totaled $40.8 million to support ICAC Task Forces and training and technical assistance. ICAC Task Force Program funding is supported under the Missing and Exploited Children appropriation included in the Department of Justice fiscal year appropriation. Funding History. Fiscal Year 2023 — $40.8 million

    NT ICAC commissioner did not improperly offer money to suppress DV ...

    ICAC Commissioner Michael Riches was last week referred to the watchdog's inspector by NT Chief Minister Eva Lawler. It came after legal documents showed he agreed to pay his wife, ...

    香港特別行政區廉政公署 - 商界資訊 - Icac

    中心的服務對象廣泛,包括上市公司、中小型企業、公司董事、各行業的前線人員,以至專業人士,如會計師、律師和公司秘書等。 歡迎透過 電郵 或熱線 2826 3288 與中心聯絡,查閱有關資訊或申請中心的服務。

    ICAC - Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program

    The Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force Program is a national network of 61 coordinated task forces, representing more than 5,400 federal, state and local law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies. This website is funded through a grant from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U ...

    Access the Summer 2024 Edition of the USNC Current: "Batteries"

    The latest edition of the USNC Current, Batteries, is now available online. Published by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the U.S. National Committee (USNC) of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the issue addresses the importance of batteries and the many advancements in battery technology, an overview of the USNC's major recent accomplishments, and more.

    洛杉磯專精腦部傷害律師 | Killackey Law Offices, APC | Los Angeles, California

    對於個人人體傷害案件,麥克雷力律師事務所不收取律師費直到打贏你的案件,客戶若沒獲得任何賠償,不用支付任何律師費及用於此案件的開支。. 其它案件,麥克雷力律師事務所接受現金,支票,信用卡等付款。. Killackey Law Offices is a plaintiff personal injury law ...

    香港特別行政區廉政公署 - 新聞公佈 - 三名保險代理遭廉署起訴串謀詐騙佣金及「洗黑錢」270萬元判囚12至35個月

    2024年3月25日. 廉政公署早前落案起訴三名前保險代理人,訛稱四份保單由另一名保險代理人經辦,串謀詐騙一間保險公司佣金及獎金共約120萬元,並串謀處理犯罪得益逾270萬元。. 三人今日 (3月25日)在區域法院被判囚12至35個月。. 李宗興,安盛金融有限公司 (安盛 ...

    洛杉磯專精創傷性腦損傷律師 | Killackey Law Offices, APC | Los Angeles, California

    Killackey Law Offices is a plaintiff personal injury law firm near Los Angeles, California. To schedule a free consult, call 626-999-0735.

    南加州專精意外事故律師 | Killackey Law Offices, APC | Los Angeles, California

    Killackey Law Offices is a plaintiff personal injury law firm near Los Angeles, California. To schedule a free consult, call 626-999-0735.

    ICAC, HKSAR - Home

    Independent Commission Against Corruption, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Homepage.

    Consumers Make a Difference in Standards Development: Register for ANSI ...

    Consumers are critical to improving the safety of products—from toys to household appliances—that we all rely on, every day! Find out how consumers can make a difference in standards development in the American National Standards Institute's (ANSI) free Consumer Safety Central Webinar on August 6, at 4:30-5:30 p.m. ET.. The webinar is part of a series of Consumer Safety Central webinars ...