WSTS Semiconductor Market Forecast Spring 2023 - TSIA

    2024-10-27 19:18

    WSTS has adjusted its growth projections downwards in response to increasing inflation and weakening demand in end markets, particularly those relying on consumer spending. Although two primary categories, Discrete and Optoelectronics, are predicted to sustain single-digit year-over-year growth in 2023, at 5.6 percent and 4.6 percent ...

    WSTS Semiconductor Market Forecast Spring 2023 - TSIA

    Wsts - Tsia

    WSTS Forecast SummaryNote: Numbers in the table are rounded to whole millions of dollars, which may cause totals by region and totals by product group to differ slightly. About WSTS:World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) was founded in 1986 as a non-profit organization of semiconductor product companies and is the industry's only source ...


    WSTS Inc. is a non-profit mutual benefit corporation whose Charter and Bylaws define services for the world semiconductor industry, including management of the collection and publication of trade net shipments and semiconductor industry forecasts. WSTS' headquarters are incorporated and located in USA, California, Morgan Hill (near San Jose).

    Recent News Release - WSTS

    The World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) has released its latest forecast for the global semiconductor market, anticipating robust growth in 2024 and 2025. 2024 Forecast: Strong Recovery Expected. WSTS has adjusted its Spring 2024 forecast upwards, projecting a 16.0 percent growth in the global semiconductor market compared to the ...

    WSTS Semiconductor Market Forecast Fall 2021 - TSIA

    WSTS expects the worldwide semiconductor market growth to rise from 6.8 percent in 2020 to an outstanding 25.6 percent in the year 2021, which corresponds to a market size of US$ 553 billion. This will be the biggest step-up, since a 31.8% increase in 2010, eleven years ago. The semiconductor market overall was not negatively impacted by the ...


    The World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) has recently published its latest forecast for the semiconductor market, generated in November 2023. Exceeding the spring projections with slightly better Q2 and Q3 results, WSTS has revised its forecast, anticipating a single-digit contraction in the global semiconductor market of 9.4 percent in ...

    世界半導体市場統計(Wsts) - Jeita

    世界半導体市場統計(WSTS). 2024年春季半導体市場予測について NEW!! JEITA、及びWSTS日本協議会、WSTSは、この情報の使用者に直接間接を問わずいかなる損害が発生したとしても、その事由を問わず、一切の責任を負うものではありませんのでご了承下さい ...

    世界半導體貿易統計組織預測 半導體將觸底反彈 | 產業熱點 | 產業 | 經濟日報

    世界半導體貿易統計組織(wsts)昨(29)日發布最新預測,看好全球半導體第3季產值優於預期,並微幅調高今年全球半導體營收預估,年減幅度可望 ...

    WSTS has published the Q2 2021 market figures

    The Worldwide Semiconductor Market is expected to show an outstanding growth of 25.1 percent in 2021. WSTS has published the Q2 2021 semiconductor market figures and re-calculated the Spring 2021 Forecast using the actual figures of the second quarter 2021. Following 6.8 percent growth in 2020 the Worldwide Semiconductor Market is expected to ...


    定期召開TSIA每季市場資訊委員會討論會議,研討會之規劃,提供研討會議題及推薦講師等;國際活動方面,積極協助廠商參與國際資訊組織,如世界半導體貿易統計協會 (World Semiconductor Trade Statistics,WSTS)等,TSIA為此組織之贊助會員及台灣區之聯絡窗口,並代理 ...


    考量通膨上升和終端市場需求疲軟,尤其是消費市場,wsts調降2023年半導體市場營收預估,預期將滑落至5150億美元,下降10.3%。 WSTS預期,2023年記憶體市


    The next WSTS forecast is planned for early June 2022. The Worldwide Semiconductor Market was up 26.2 percent in 2021, and is expected to show a further growth of 10.4 percent in 2022. Global semiconductor market sales were US$ 556 billion in 2021 - an increase of 26.2 percent from 2020.

    Wsts:今年半導體市場營收恐降10.3% 明年將強勁復甦 | 產經 | 中央社 Cna

    WSTS預期,2024年半導體市場可望回升至5760億美元,將揚升11.8%。. 記憶體市場可望激增43.2%,是驅動整體半導體市場回升的主要動力。. 感測器市場 ...

    Wsts:Ai晶片需求強勁 半導體今年將兩位數成長 | 產業熱點 | 產業 | 經濟日報

    wsts:ai晶片需求強勁 半導體今年將兩位數成長 世界半導體貿易統計協會(WSTS)最新報告指出,在AI晶片需求強勁推升下,上調2024年全球半導體市場 ...

    Wsts:去年全球半導體銷售額按年增26% 料今年升幅10.4%


    Overview - Wsts

    Overview. WSTS provides market statistics to the semiconductor industry. Furthermore related upstream and downstream industries, organizations involved in semiconductor securities trading, semiconductor market research firms and other related businesses take benefit of the market data and industry forecasts as issued by WSTS.

    Wsts:今年半導體營收估減9.4% 明年回升13.1% | 產業熱點 | 產業 | 經濟日報

    wsts預期,2024年全球半導體市場可望復甦,營收將強勁成長13.1%,達5883.64億美元,包括分離式半導體、光電子、感測器營收將全面成長個位數百分比 ...

    Wsts:半導體明年營收恐減4.1% 記憶體降幅最大達17% | 產經 | 中央社 Cna

    wsts表示,通膨升高及終端市場需求疲弱,尤其是消費支出部分,為調降今年半導體營收預估的主因。 記憶體營收恐衰退12.6%,將是表現最差的產品。

    市場報導 : 全球半導體市場2022年預估8.8%增長 感測器11.3%,邏輯IC有11.1% - 科技產業資訊室(iKnow)

    圖、wsts全球半導體市場預測 Source:世界半導體貿易統計局(WSTS) 世界半導體貿易統計局(WSTS)預計2021年全球半導體市場將從2020年的6.8%上升到2021年的 25.6%,相當於5530億美元的市場規模。

    The World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) has released its new ...

    The Worldwide Semiconductor Market is expected to increase 13.9 percent in 2022, continuing to grow by 4.6 percent in 2023. Following a strong growth year of 26.2 percent in the year 2021, WSTS expects another year of double-digit growth for the worldwide semiconductor market in 2022 with a forecast of $633 billion, up 13.9 percent.

    PDF The World Semiconductor T rade S tatistics (WSTS) h as released its n ...

    For more information, please visit the WSTS web site at . Editorial Contacts: For further information please consult the WSTS Vice Chair in your region. Region Name Function Phone Americas Kevin Hawkins Americas Vice Chair +1 -214-567-3828 Europe Elise Lafond Europe Vice Chair +41 -22-929-6955

    Wsts:半導體明年營收恐減4.1% 記憶體降幅最大達17% | 市場焦點 | 證券 | 經濟日報
